Search Results for: with Grey Company

Rituals of the Forest – Creeping Moss

Enit has asked you to retrieve several pieces of club moss as part of a ritual to summon one of the spirits of the forest. Continue reading

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Rituals of the Forest – Mistletoe

Enit has asked you to retrieve several sprigs of mistletoe as part of a ritual to summon one of the spirits of the forest. Continue reading

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Remnants of the Past

The Lich Bluffs are the final resting place of many of the fallen from the Algraig clans. However, a dark force has emerged from the shadows, bringing forth wights to attack the living. Continue reading

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Protecting the Herd — Repeatable

The oxherds of the Uch-lûth were pleased with your efforts upon their behalf. Continue reading

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Mysterious Residue

You have taken a sample of a strange fetid liquid from outside one of the barrows in the Lich Bluffs. Continue reading

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Midnight Hunters

Shadow-wolves stalk the lands of Fordirith, hunting the members of the Grey Company with deadly intent. Continue reading

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Ivory Spears

You slew a great boar in the woods of the Gloomglens, harvesting its fine tusks. Continue reading

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Little Wonders

You discovered an object which by all appearances belongs to a child, though it does not seem to be Dunlending in nature. Continue reading

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Halflings in the Hills?

The object you found while patrolling the Gloomglens intrigued the Ranger Idhrenfair. Continue reading

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Goblin Hunters

You encountered a strange breed of goblin in the wilds of the Gloomglens, taking its spear as evidence of your victory. Continue reading

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