Search Results for: with Grey Company

Sigil of the Rhi Helvarch

You found a medallion inscribed in a language with which you are not familiar. Continue reading

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Sign of the White Hand

Near the place called Gwyllion’s Gate, you found a banner bearing the symbol of the White Hand. Continue reading

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Source of the Unrest

Recently, several barrows in the Lich Bluffs have been disturbed. The bodies of the dead have been removed from their crypts and desecrated. Continue reading

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Searching for Signs

The fetid liquid you discovered in the abrrows of the Lich Bluffs may yet provide a clue to the mystery of the Dead in that place. Continue reading

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Rituals of the Forest – Oaken Limbs

Enit has asked you to retrieve several strong oaken branches as part of a ritual to summon one of the spirits of the forest. Continue reading

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Rituals of the Forest – Skin of Wood

Enit has asked you to retrieve several pieces of living bark as part of a ritual to summon one of the spirits of the forest. Continue reading

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Sacred Bull

You found a stuffed and ornamented dun ox in the wilds of the Gloomglens. Perhaps it was intended to be a shrine of some kind. Continue reading

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Savage Hunters

You slew a wolf in the Gloomglens and harvested its fine pelt. Continue reading

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Scouring the Wood

The Rangers of the Grey Company seek to ensure the secrecy of their purpose and their passage through Enedwaith. Continue reading

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Rituals of the Forest

Enit believes she can summon one of the spirits of the forest and speak with it — though it seems that she may have her own reasons for doing so. Continue reading

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