Search Results for: with Grey Company

The Queen of Boars

You harvested the enormous tusks of the Black Sow, which remain in pristine condition. Continue reading

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The Lost Hunter

Daervunn has befriended a Dunlending hunter by the name of Umfrë on the fringes of the Mournshaws after the hunter rescued him from a pack of vicious hounds. However, Umfrë has recently disappeared into the Mournshaws after giving chase to one of the hounds, and Daervunn is concerned that he may be in some danger…or even dead. Continue reading

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The Mystery Deepens

Using the items and information you brought to him, Saeradan believes that it is a certainty that Saruman the White has a hand in the strange happenings in the Windfells. Continue reading

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The Haunted Forest

You have learned that an unknown Ranger of the Grey Company has entered the Mournshaws in search of a hidden path to the south. The Algraig firmly believe this forest is haunted by powerful and fey spirits. Only the Derudh of Nan Laeglin and a few brave hunters dare enter the place. Even fewer return…. Continue reading

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The Fallen Grove

The Derudh Tûm claims that the spirits of the forest have been angered and have driven away the rest of the Derudh. He hopes to reclaim their grove and perhaps help you find the way into the Huntsman’s hall. Continue reading

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The Elders

Enit was greatly angered and shamed by the spirit’s rejection of her demands.nnIn her anger she has told you to speak with her elders upon a great hill in the center of the forest. Continue reading

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The Brenin’s Council

The chieftains of Nan Laeglin will soon hold a council under Glynn Brenin to decide how to treat with the emissaries of Isengard and the passage of the Grey Company through Enedwaith. Continue reading

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The Butchered Herd

The Uch-lûth were greatly displeased by the gift of meat presented to them, for they suspect the Grey Company of slaughtering their herds. Continue reading

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The Derudhs’ Circle

Umfrë told you of a small community of Dunlendings who are chosen by their clans to enter the Mournshaws and commune with the spirits who live there. He believes that they might know of a way through the deep woods into the south. Continue reading

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Servants of the Master

A large pack of Cun Annun haunt the barrows of the Lich Bluffs, presenting a danger to those that would call Enedwaith home. Continue reading

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