Tag Archives: Reputation

Seasoned Beef with Cauliflower — Introduction

The Master Chef is also the Mathom Society’s clerk. He has been so busy that he will be unable to prepare the Society’s next dinner. Continue reading

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Well-kept Mathoms – Introduction

Eustoma Muddybanks told you that the Mathom Society did not have many pieces of display quality on-hand. Continue reading

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The Elves of Rivendell

Naerandir, a scholar of Bree-town has bade you seek out Imyl in the Last Homely House of Rivendell, and offer aid to her if you may. Continue reading

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Orc Battle-medallions — Introduction

Nethúr told you that veteran Orcs carry special medallions which signify their achievements. Continue reading

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Mathoms — Introduction

Greylond Bottomley told you a little of the Mathom Society and its efforts to build the Mathom House’s collection. Continue reading

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The Rangers of Esteldín

Calenglad of Tinnudir has bade you speak with Nethúr of Esteldín in the North-downs concerning the Rangers of Esteldín and the Orkish forces pouring down from Angmar. Continue reading

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The Wardens of Annúminas

Arohir of Esteldín has bade you seek the camp of Tinnudir along the eastern shore of Lake Evendim, and once there to speak with Cannuion. Continue reading

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Tomb-raiders’ Sashes — Introduction

Cannuion told you of the terrible threat the Angmarim and tomb-raiders pose to the Rangers of Evendim. Continue reading

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Crests of Valour — Introduction

The Council of the North has need of tokens to bestow upon heroes of the war against Angmar. Continue reading

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Crests of Vigilance — Introduction

The Council of the North is in need of a means to identify their warriors in the field. Continue reading

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