Search Results for: with Grey Company

Goblins of Enedwaith

Your discovery of a strange breed of goblin in the Gloomglens is a source of concern to the Ranger Idhrenfair. Continue reading

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Feral Shadow

Among the fell spirits which have taken form as Shadow-wolves, there is one that is more dangerous than all the rest. Continue reading

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Fuel to the Fire

Within Lhe Colvarn, the ancient crypt below Drug Haniad, several wights are gathering components to fuel rituals across the Lich Bluffs. Continue reading

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Feathers for Friendship

The Rangers of the Grey Company seek to acquire the good will of the Uch-lûth, the Dunlending clan inhabiting Enedwaith. Continue reading

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Dark Spirits of the Windfells

The Uch-lûth received the gift of the Grey Company, but still do not trust you fully. Continue reading

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You found a set of orders in the quarters of a deserter in Enedwaith that partially detailed Isengard’s plans for the region. Such information would doubtless be of interest to the Grey Rangers, and you believe you may be able to find the rest of these papers among the officers in Lhe Lhechu. Continue reading

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Collars of the Accursed

You found a black collar marked with evil-looking runes upon the corpse of one of the Druggavar you slew. Continue reading

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Corruption of Cairns

The ancient homes of the interred dead have been violated. Cairn-stones that once stood as markers for the honoured dead are now being corrupted towards a dark purpose. Continue reading

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Crown of Antlers

You found the corpse of one of the mysterious white stags of Enedwaith and harvested its strange antlers. Continue reading

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Culling the Darkness

Among the newly-risen wights, several older, more powerful creatures have been sighted. Perhaps defeating these creatures may shed light upon the emerging threat. Continue reading

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