Tag Archives: Tol Ascarnen

Cooking Sauce

The Free Peoples will return to take Tol Ascarnen, and Angmar’s defenders wish to strengthen the walls with deterents that will drive the foe away. Continue reading

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Counter Assault

An overeager dwarf-warrior made his way to the camp south of Tol Ascarnen when Angmar captured the keep. This dwarf would call the Free Peoples to his banner and make an assault against the fortress on his own, if given leave to do so. Continue reading

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Assault on Tol Ascarnen

The host of Angmar swept into the central keep of the Ettenmoors and drove Captain-General Makan from Tol Ascarnen. This affront is more than an honourable dwarf can stand, and First Marshal Án will stop at nothing to take it back, though he wants assurances that the force he leads will stand beside him. Continue reading

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Armour for the Lessers

Quartermaster Apsduf believes that the lesser creatures in Angmar’s army — spiders and Wargs — need armour and thinks that he can assist them by crafting armour from the chitin of the Neekerbreekers nearby. Continue reading

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Arrowheads from Broken Blades

Reinforcing Tol Ascarnen requires tactics that are not often used in battle among the Free Peoples, but the forces from Angmar are nothing like the civilized peoples of Eriador and so they must be stopped quickly. Captain-General Makan has ordered that archers be stationed behind the safety of the walls at the tunnel entrance of Tol Ascarnen, where they will unleash arrows at all who attempt to assault the keep. Continue reading

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Arrowshaft from Fallen Trees

Reinforcing Tol Ascarnen requires tactics that are not often used in battle among the Free Peoples, but the forces from Angmar are nothing like the civilized peoples of Eriador and so they must be stopped quickly. Captain-General Makan has ordered that archers be stationed behind the safety of the walls at the tunnel entrance of Tol Ascarnen, where they will unleash arrows at all who attempt to assault the keep. Continue reading

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An Iron Belly

The Free Peoples will return to take Tol Ascarnen, and Angmar’s defenders wish to strengthen the walls with deterents that will drive the foe away. Continue reading

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A Cauldron of Iron

Captain-General Makan wishes to strengthen the defences of Tol Ascarnen by building a terrible weapon to wield against those attacking the fortress. Continue reading

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Oil for Boiling

Captain-General Makan wishes to strengthen the defences of Tol Ascarnen by building a terrible weapon to wield against those attacking the fortress. Continue reading

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Tribute to the Tyrant

Tyrant Trintrû at Tol Ascarnen is deserving of praise and tribute. The tribute which the tyrant desires most is the flesh of Men. Continue reading

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