Tag Archives: The Scuttledells

Black Venom I

Miluimil’s scouts have reported on the existence of a deadly spider-queen named Delúris that lurks in the northern depths of the Scuttledells. Her poison is so deadly that none who have dared face her have survived. Continue reading

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Black Venom II

Having helped Miluimil craft an antidote from the poison of her own brood, you are now prepared to sojourn against Delúris the brood-queen of the Scuttledells. Continue reading

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Black Wings

If Ivorel’s scouts are to have any hope of moving without the Enemy knowing their every step, the crows of the Enemy will need to be kept at bay. Continue reading

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Avenging the Innocent

One of Ivorel’s scouts has returned to tell of a deadly Black Dog named Trapjaw who was seen following Hal Tiller’s trail two days ago. Ivorel believes that Trapjaw is likely responsible for his death. Continue reading

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Sealing the Barrows

Ivorel is concerned that the damage caused by the Gaunt-masters may not be reversible, but the barrows must be sealed to prevent more of the dead from emerging to threaten the Malledhrim. Continue reading

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Masters of the Dead

Three gaunt-men called Gaunt-masters have been building a wight-army to use against the Malledhrim. Continue reading

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A Cornered Foe

A band of Orcs dispatched from the tower of Dol Guldur is hunting through the Scuttledells for the furtive Gollum. Continue reading

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Silent Footsteps

One of the Malledhrim scouts reported a goblin-like creature out in the ravines, not unlike the creature Gollum. Continue reading

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Innocence in Peril

Ivorel, the leader of a scout expedition into the Scuttledells, is concerned about the fate of Hal Tiller, an adventuresome young hobbit who asked to be allowed to aid the Elves on their expedition into Mirkwood. Ivorel fears that the inexperienced hobbit may have been slain by the horrors lurking in the clefts of the Scuttledells. Continue reading

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Gnawed Bones

Ivorel feels personally responsible for poor Hal Tiller, a young hobbit that accompanied her scout expedition. Continue reading

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