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Tag Archives: Nimrodel
Curse Their Foul Feet!
Dindirith has asked you to remove the Orc filth from the Nimrodel, the fast-flowing stream outside the border of Lórien. Continue reading
Cruel Weapons of Moria
Maethoron knows that the Orcs of Moria are more limitless than the weapons they wield, and wants you to steal some of these weapons from the Orc camps in Nanduhirion. Continue reading
An End to the Poaching
Limhendeth has beseeched you to ignore whatever request Asmund made of you and to instead report his activities to Glordirith in Lórien. Continue reading
Aiding the Elves II
Satisfied with your efforts on behalf of the Elves of Lórien, Maethoron has asked you to continue your campaign against the Orcs that have invaded Nanduhirion. Continue reading
Aiding the Elves III
Encouraged by your efforts on behalf of the Elves, Celegúien wishes you to continue the work you began against the Orcs. Continue reading
Aiding the Elves IV
Pleased with your efforts against the Orcs, Dindirith wishes you to continue providing aid to the Elves of Lórien. Continue reading
Aiding the Elves I
Pleased with your efforts on behalf of the Elves of Lórien, Hadroneth has asked you to continue your campaign against the Orcs that have invaded Nanduhirion. Continue reading
No Arrow a Waste
You have brought some arrows to Celegúien, and now she wants them delivered to Meredhrandir at Mekhem-bizru. Continue reading
Lucky the Arrow that Kills Twice
Celegúien has asked you to recover arrows of the Galadhrim archers that have already been used to slay Orcs on the outskirts of the Golden Wood. Continue reading
Too Close to Lórien
Hadroneth is concerned about the Orc camps that have been established in Nanduhirion, and wants you to tear down the barricades that have sprung up outside them. Continue reading