Tag Archives: Glâd Ereg

An Army of Eyes

A large flock of crebain out of Dunland has descended upon Eregion, spying for signs of the passing of the Company from Rivendell. Continue reading

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Vol. III, Book 2, Chapter 5: Forces at Work in Eregion

The ride of the Grey Company continues, with the Dúnedain travelling further south into Eregion. Continue reading

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A Foul Wood

Something foul twists the heart of the holly-forest south of Gwingris, corrupting the creatures which once dwelt there in peace.nnYou have been tasked with removing those Holly-Tenders and trees that have succombed to the shadow and now attack those who pass through. Continue reading

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More Holly Leaf Tea

Celebrandir in Gwingris has offered to make you more holly leaf tea if you bring him enough leaves. Continue reading

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Leader of the Foul Wood

The leader of the Wood-trolls has been discovered in Glâd Ereg. This may be an opportunity to end their threat in the holly-forest once and for all. Continue reading

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Keepers of the Wood

Lithuilas has learned that there is a group of Wood-trolls in the Glâd Ereg and believes that they are responsible for provoking the forest. Continue reading

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Things Left Behind

Maedlathron is concerned that the hobbits or Gimli the dwarf may have dropped something else upon their journey which may divulge to the Enemy the way of their passing and the composition of the Company. Continue reading

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The Worm-keeper

The egg-stealing half-orcs are being overseen by a particularly vicious creature named Arzgât.nnCalelloth has asked you to head out to the northern hillside of Carchres and slay Arzgât. Continue reading

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The Worm-sire

The worm Brunanc and his spawn terrorize the paths leading from Rivendell to Gwingris. Continue reading

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The Roosting Tree

The crebain in northern Eregion have established themselves in the land, finding good roosting grounds. Continue reading

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