Tag Archives: Ered Luin Epic Prologue (Elf Path)

Vol. I, Prologue, Unlike Avorthal

Cardavor, an Elf of Celondim, received a message from his son Avorthal saying that he was coming down from Duillond to visit; however, Avorthal is late, and Cardavor is concerned. Continue reading

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Vol. I, Prologue, At the Behest of Cardavor

You were greeted by an Elf-maiden as you paused for reflection in Celondim. Continue reading

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Vol. I, Prologue, Reluctant Allies

You discovered that Avorthal is indeed being held captive by dwarves, which seems to confirm that they have turned against the Elves of Duillond. Continue reading

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Vol. I, Prologue, Suspicious Encampment

Gailthin has learned that a group of dwarves have established an encampment in the low-lands of Ered Luin, north of Gondamon. Continue reading

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Vol. I, Prologue, The Emissary

Dorongúr Whitethorn is willing to go to war for Avorthal, but only as a last resort. Suspicious that Pampraush’s news of Avorthal’s captivity may be a goblin-ruse, he wishes to first use diplomatic means to learn the truth. Continue reading

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Vol. I, Prologue, The Master of the Refuge

The goblin Pampraush let slip the knowledge that Avorthal was not slain, but handed over to wicked dwarves. Cardavor was further embittered by this news and is prepared to declare open war against the dwarves of Ered Luin to reclaim his son. Continue reading

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Vol. I, Prologue, The Wrath of the Elves

From all appearances, goblins waylaid Avorthal in Tham Gelair, leaving no trace of him but his satchel. Continue reading

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Vol. I, Prologue, Avorthal’s Favourite Haunts

Athal is now concered about Avorthal as he missed not only the meeting with his friend, but is late to visit his father, Cardavor. Before causing greater worry to Cardavor, Athal has asked that you search for signs of Avorthal at his favorite spots within the vale of Nen Hilith. Continue reading

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