Tag Archives: Book 6: The Shadowy Abyss

Vol. II, Book 6, Chapter 1: Desperate Times

You have helped the dwarves to stave off the first attacks of the Orcs, but Bósi does not think his people can stand against these foes forever without the friendship of the Elves of Lothlórien. Continue reading

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Vol. II, Book 6, Chapter 2: An Enemy of the Orcs

Haldir of Lórien has refused to grant you an audience with Galadriel unless you can provide proofs that you are an enemy of the Orcs of Moria. Continue reading

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Vol. II, Book 6, Chapter 3: Rúmil and Orophin

Haldir believes you are an enemy of the Orcs and goblins, and wants you to help defend the bounds of the Golden Wood while Galadriel is sent word of your need. Continue reading

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Vol. II, Book 6, Chapter 4: Deep Is the Abyss

Galadriel has told you that by helping the Elves in the Shadowed Refuge, you will be helping the dwarves of Moria as well. Continue reading

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Vol. II, Book 6, Chapter 5: Mazog’s Searchers

Dithaliwenn wants to learn for what purpose Mazog has sent his Orcs into the caverns among the Foundations of Stone. Continue reading

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Vol. II, Book 6, Chapter 5: Taken By Madness

Some madness of mind and body has seized the Orcs of Mazog’s command that have come to the Foundations of Stone. Continue reading

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Vol. II, Book 6, Chapter 5: The Black Pit

In order to save the dwarves in Moria, you have come to aid the Elves of Gwathrendath, sent into Moria at the behest of Lady Galadriel. Continue reading

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Vol. II, Book 6, Chapter 6: Evils Beneath the World

Lenglammel is worried that the nameless creatures sought by Mazog have been approaching her camp too closely. Continue reading

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Vol. II, Book 6, Chapter 7: Beyond Light and Knowledge

Lenglammel has so far been unsuccessful at her primary mission in Moria: locating and rescuing Mithrandir, if one can indeed rescue a Wizard. Continue reading

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Vol. II, Book 6, Chapter 8: New Devilry

Dithaliwenn has found a clue to the lost Elf Magor’s whereabouts near Azanarukâr, and Lenglammel wants you to find him. Continue reading

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