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Tag Archives: Ashenslades
Travel to Helethir
To the south of Dol Goldur, Danfennas seeks out information regarding the pale quality of the trees around the Ashenslades. He has joined several others in Helethir, a small camp to the south of Dol Guldur, to investigate the area. Continue reading
Thin the Pack
Naur-hoit, the ruins south of Mithechad, is home to a roving pack of Wargs. Continue reading
The Leader of the Pack
The Wargs of Naur-hoit are led by a great pack-leader called Morglok. The Elves of the Golden Host believe that his defeat may be the key to driving forth the Wargs from the ruins. Continue reading
Stem the Tide
The camp at Sâd Doldúr proved to be a terrible place, full of sorcerers and fell spirits. Worse yet, it appears to be the source of the blight in the Ashenslades. Continue reading
Stop the Spread
On the topmost reaches of the ruins of Sâd Doldúr stands Orthadban, the foul sorcerer that the Malledhrim believe to be responsible for the summoning of fell spirits to the Ashenslades. Continue reading
Scouting Ânghum-maudhûl
In the southern reaches of the Ashenslades, Ânghum-maudhûl stands as the central rallying point for Orcs in the area. Continue reading
Scouting the Stores
Scouts of the Malledhrim witnessed the Orcs of Garmadh-maudhûl discarding piles of ore. Continue reading
Sending a Message
In the deepest reaches of Garmadh-maudhûl, the Orc-leader Ukhurk rallies his troops. Continue reading
Rout Gâthlata
Gâthlata stands at the crossroads of the Ashenslades. This camp is led by the nefarious Nulfríb, a vile creature who organizes the flow of information, goods, and troops to other parts of the Ashenslades. Continue reading
Ruin the Stockpile
The Enemy’s forces of Ânghum-maudhûl have been felling wood in the Ashenslades area in an attempt to procure the blighted wood for spears and other wooden implements. Continue reading