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Vol. I, Book 15, Instance: One Hope Remains

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The last hope to defeat Mordirith, the False King of Angmar, is a final assault on him in his stronghold of Gador Gúlaran.


Objective 1.
Journey with Narmeleth to defeat Mordirith an
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  • Step 1. Talk to Narmeleth
Objective 2.
Journey with Narmeleth to defeat Mordirith an
… (read full)
  • Step 1. Follow Narmeleth
Objective 3.
Journey with Narmeleth to defeat Mordirith an
… (read full)
Objective 4.
Journey with Narmeleth to defeat Mordirith an
… (read full)
  • Step 1. Defeat Mordrambor
Objective 5.
Journey with Narmeleth to defeat Mordirith an
… (read full)
Objective 6.
Journey with Narmeleth to defeat Mordirith.
  • Step 1. Talk to Narmeleth when you have readied yourself
Objective 7.
Speak to Narmeleth.With the last of her stren
… (read full)
  • Step 1. Speak to Narmeleth
Epic – Vol. I, Book 15: Daughter of Strife
Level 50
Min Level 45
Repeatable No
Faction FrP
Instanced Yes


Lorebook Link


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