Tag Archives: Thrór’s Coomb

Vol. III, Book 2, Chapter 15: An Echo of Days Past

You have brought the ingredients Frithgeir needs to make a brew that will restore Nár’s awareness of you so you can ask him what he said to Wadu. Continue reading

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Trouble in the Bluffs

A shadow has fallen upon the Lich Bluffs, the ancient burial grounds of the Algraig clans of Dunland and Enedwaith. The Rangers of the Grey Company have sent one of their number to investigate. Continue reading

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The Trail Ends

According to a note that you discovered, the members of Gronu’s hunting-party may still be alive and held in a secret cave beneath a waterfall. Continue reading

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The Call of Our Fathers

Among the ruins in the southern reaches of Thrór’s Coomb, several pillars with rune-carvings still stand. The messages on the pillars may speak of lost knowledge and should be recovered. Continue reading

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The Clutch Collapses

In the valley below, in the eastern reaches of Thrór’s Coomb, gwiber have begun building nests to swell their numbers. Continue reading

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The Bigger Ones

Among the broken rocks of Thrór’s Coomb, the feared gwiber Tantafod and Harcennun make their nests. These matrons are fiercely protective of their nests. Continue reading

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Silence the Sentries

There are two small encampments that the Draig-lûth established. These men are dangerous and prey upon the Uch-lûth. Continue reading

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Scout Gwâl Draig

The Draig-lûth have created a village on the northern shore of the river, presenting a danger to travellers in the area. Continue reading

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Relics of the Fallen

The ruins among which the giants have made their encampments also house lost relics of the exiles from Erebor, who dwelt here once long ago. Continue reading

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Nár Sends His Regards

Among the dwarf-ruins to the south of Zudrugund, there are two large encampments. These encampments are a mockery to the ancient halls found below. Continue reading

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