Tag Archives: Thorin’s Gate

Crafting: Nefi’s New Setting

Nefi Gemcutter has broken the setting of a necklace he once fashioned and desires a replacement. Continue reading

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Crafting: The Maker’s Hall

Bogi Deepdelver has asked you to speak with his friend Egil Oldbeard in Thorin’s Hall about contributing to the state of crafting in the Blue Mountains. Continue reading

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Crafting: Leggings for Gagi

Gagi Cloudbrow tried to make himself some bronze leggings, but the event has been described as something of a disaster. Continue reading

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Articles of Mystery

Isdi has agreed to fashion you a piece of equipment to reflect the depth of your knowledge. Continue reading

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Vol. I, Prologue, Beyond the Cave-in

Unnarr believes the caved-in passage through which the burglars gained access to the treasury leads to the Silver Deep. Continue reading

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Vol. I, Prologue, The Missing Guard

Unnarr, Captain of the Guard at Frerin’s Court, was informed that one of the armouries had been left unguarded. Continue reading

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Gísli’s Favourite

Ormr’s son Gísli was recently assigned to his first post at Noglond, the way-station in the Vale of Thráin. The dwarf wants to prepare his son’s favourite meal to show him he is thinking about him. Continue reading

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A New Shine

Halli has asked you to help him improve his brother’s reputation in the guard by having his tarnished armour polished. Continue reading

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The Lost Tool

Flosi, an elderly dwarf-prospector, lost his pick while digging in an old cave infested by cave-claws. Continue reading

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Sprung a Leak

A fissure has opened in the great dwarf-canal leading down from Thorin’s Hall, threatening to flood the Vale of Thráin. Continue reading

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