Tag Archives: The Path of Healing Hands

A Cry of Vengeance

Many dwarves have been slain by an Orc named Pukhal, a terrible warrior among the denizens of Moria. Continue reading

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The Path of the Healing Hands

Captain Garnyd has summoned you into her presence. Continue reading

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Routing Cry

The Orcs at Hurmulkezer are led by a great War-leader named Nanulg. Without him, they might fall into disarray. Continue reading

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Rallying Cry

Many of the Longbeards struggling to reclaim Moria have been daunted by the seemingly impossible task set before them. Continue reading

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In Harm’s Way

The call of Nanulg’s battle-horn would be such an insult to the Orcs of Fil-gashan that they would not dare to ignore its call. Continue reading

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