Tag Archives: The Dourstocks

Crushing Resistance

While searching for information about the evil which drove many goblins to desert Burgûl-stazg, you learned that the enemy forces there are commanded by an Uruk called Talûntûm. Continue reading

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Broken Oaths

The appearance of the shades at Burgûl-stazg disturbed the Elf Mothelen, foreshadowing a more dire evil. Continue reading

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Attercop, Attercop

Many dark and evil things dwell in the southern reaches of Mirkwood, spiders not the least. Continue reading

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A Shadow on the Camp

The goblin-deserters roaming the Dourstocks indicated that something their leaders were up to in Burgûl-stazg was the cause of their desertion. Continue reading

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A Cloud of Bats

Many dark and vile creatures dwell beneath the eaves of southern Mirkwood. Among these are terrible bats…some of which are creatures of an ancient age. Continue reading

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Muzzling the Pack

Many dark and evil things dwell in the southern forests of Mirkwood. Among those are the black wolves. Continue reading

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Vol. II, Book 9, Chapter 5: Treacherous Lights

Cúcheron has given you the unfortunate news that the Hidden Guard’s mission remains stalled and that the Greyhammer dwarves have caused another delay. Continue reading

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Vol. II, Book 9, Chapter 4: First Offensives

The Hidden Guard is in disarray following the death of Raddir, and Cúcheron has decided that you should aid the Golden Host while they decide what to do next. Continue reading

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Purging Evil

You learned from your investigation of Burgûl-stazg that the goblins, under orders from their captain, stole an idol of the Necromancer from the haunted ruins. Continue reading

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The Elves of the Golden Host discovered a second enemy encampment on the western edge of the Dourstocks, but something seems to be wrong. Continue reading

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