Tag Archives: Taur Morvith

A Poke in the Eye

The Orc-scouts ranging out from Taur Morvith act as the eyes for their gathering forces. Continue reading

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A Head Shorter

The Orcs of Taur Morvith have been partially cut off from their leadership in Gathbúrz, but are held together by a handful of brutal lieutenants. Continue reading

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King of the Hill

The Orcs of Taur Morvith are in disarray. Iavassúl now has a plan to keep them that way. Continue reading

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The Narrow Way

The Elven scout Ianudirel was sent ahead to explore the far side of the river from Krul Lugu, but she has not yet returned. Continue reading

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The Dark Apprentice

The Cargûl, Mâb Rhûnadan, dwells among the ruins of Sâd Morangol, using a corrupt altar to summon fell spirits to Taur Morvith. Continue reading

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The Barbed Lash

A powerful Orc named Durshâtaz keeps his underlings in Taur Morvith in line with strength and a cruel lash, but without his domineering will to force them to battle, the Orcs there will likely fall to chaos, giving the Elves a free hand to act in the area. Continue reading

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Pyres of Dread

The sorcerers of Taur Morvith have lit a series of pyres across the nearby hills that spew clouds of acrid smoke into the sky and cover the land in a choking haze. Continue reading

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A Banner Day

The Elf Iavassúl and his companions are tasked with preventing the Orcs of Taur Morvith from closing in behind the main force of the Malledhrim. Continue reading

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Fell Servants

Fell spirits drawn into the world by powerful sorcery now haunt the hills of Taur Morvith. Continue reading

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Dogs of War

The Orcs of Taur Morvith have unleashed packs of Wargs to harry intruders who would dare approach through the forests to the north. Continue reading

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