Tag Archives: Mirkwood

Black Venom II

Having helped Miluimil craft an antidote from the poison of her own brood, you are now prepared to sojourn against Delúris the brood-queen of the Scuttledells. Continue reading

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Badges of Dishonour

The Black Badges of Dol Guldur are awarded to soldiers who have slain valiant defenders of the West. Continue reading

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The morroval of Dol Guldur possess many idols in the form of bats. Continue reading

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Attercop, Attercop

Many dark and evil things dwell in the southern reaches of Mirkwood, spiders not the least. Continue reading

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Avenging the Innocent

One of Ivorel’s scouts has returned to tell of a deadly Black Dog named Trapjaw who was seen following Hal Tiller’s trail two days ago. Ivorel believes that Trapjaw is likely responsible for his death. Continue reading

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Ancient Records

Agorin, the record-keeper of the Malledhrim, has asked you to foray into the Wild Ruins and collect notes on the ancient Sylvan records scattered among the ruins there. Continue reading

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An Eye on the Enemy

Handelen has informed you of Orc-patrols which wander throughout the southern reaches of Gathbúrz. Continue reading

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An Ally in Need

One of the Malledhrim has been wounded, and fallen behind enemy lines. While the valiant warrior can still move, he can fight only weakly and requires your aid to escape from enemy territory. Continue reading

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A Vital Message

Lomdognir has asked you to take a vital message to one of his compatriots in the Dourstocks. Continue reading

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What Came to Pass

Prestadír hopes to learn more of the history of Audaghaim and determine why the former inhabitants of this town are doomed to remain. Continue reading

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