Tag Archives: Investigating Goblin-town

Memory of the Wargs

Glóin noticed one word which he recognized among the papers you found: Warg. Continue reading

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Rumours of the North

Glóin further explained the writings found on the sheaf of papers you recovered, which entailed a visitation by emissaries from Angmar. Continue reading

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Order from the Darkness

After hearing how you fared against the goblins at Goblin-town, Glóin grew more concerned. Continue reading

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Glóin looked at the set of orders recovered from the Uruks in Goblin-town and found that they were also written in the Black Speech. Continue reading

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Goblins at the Gate

The hatred between goblins and dwarves runs deep, and Glóin wants to go on the offensive against the goblins before their threat grows too great. Continue reading

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