Tag Archives: Gloomglens

The Hunter King?

According to Prestadir, the medallion you found says something about a Hunter King and the Mournshaws. Continue reading

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The Grey King

Iolo Brochtû has told you of a terrible creature they call the Grey King who haunts the bluffs of the Gloomglens, crushing passers-by with great stones. Continue reading

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Stoors for the Winter

Caradog Henbuch is the village butcher of Maur Tulhau. As winter approaches, he finds himself in greater need of meat for the village’s stores. Continue reading

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Stoors for the Winter — Repeatable

Impressed by your abilities and grateful for the meat you provided him, Caradog Henbuch has become a trusted friend. Continue reading

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Scouring the Wood

The Rangers of the Grey Company seek to ensure the secrecy of their purpose and their passage through Enedwaith. Continue reading

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Reducing the Threat — Repeatable

After learning that the ‘hobbits’ of the neighbouring village were actually a breed of wild goblin called the bugan, Mayor Brochtû declared a blood feud against them. Continue reading

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Pleased to Make an Acquaintance

After you rescued Gwin Curhonon from the bugan-village, he told you to visit his home. Continue reading

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Miraculous Growth — Repeatable

Master Farmer Iago Glennudh, impressed with the tasks you completed for him and Violed Isbrun, desires your help once again. Continue reading

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Making a Point

Rhosun Turio is an artist in Maur Tulhau who works with stag-ivory scrimshaw. Continue reading

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Meet the Stoors

Rhus Cornchúthur, impressed by your performance of the task he set you, has recommended you to Iolo Brochtû, the mayor of Maur Tulhau. Continue reading

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