Tag Archives: Book 2: Echoes in the Dark

Vol. II, Book 2,

You have entered Khazad-dûm at last, and the dwarves have begun to establish their camps within its dark passages. Continue reading

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Vol. II, Book 2, Chapter 8: The Twenty-first Hall

Encouraged by their success within the mines, many of the dwarves have followed Brogur further east, to the Twenty-first Hall. Continue reading

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Vol. II, Book 2, Instance: The Empty Passage

You and Bósi have come to a neglected corridor in the Western Deeps, hoping to find an entrance to Nâr-khelab, the Heart of Fire. Continue reading

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Vol. II, Book 2, Chapter 1: New Residents

Bósi has established his command centre at the Chamber of the Crossroads, a guard room once used for watching three passages that lead deeper into Moria. Continue reading

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Vol. II, Book 2, Chapter 2: Store-houses of the Western Halls

Bósi has asked you to seek out three store-houses within the Great Delving of Moria and attempt to recover any surviving records or histories. Continue reading

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Vol. II, Book 2, Chapter 3: Zigilburk the Unrivaled

Bósi has discovered mention of a mighty axe made of mithril in one of the records you found, and seeks to learn whether it might still be found. Continue reading

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Vol. II, Book 2, Chapter 4: Enemies in the Ever Dark

Bori has told you of Nâr-khelab, the great forge at which the mithril axe, Zigilburk, may have been made. The way to the forge is blocked by some secret trick, lost to time. Continue reading

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Vol. II, Book 2, Chapter 5: Half a Riddle

You have uncovered the secret to opening the door to Nâr-khelab, the forge where Zigilburk was made, but still do not know the location of the door. Continue reading

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Vol. II, Book 2, Chapter 6: Goblins in the Western Halls

Brogur is skeptical that the Heart of Fire even exists, and wants you to at least do something about the goblin problem while you search for it. Continue reading

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Vol. II, Book 2, Chapter 7: The Empty Passage

Bósi believes he has discovered the location of Nâr-khelab, the forge where the mithril axe Zigilburk was made. Continue reading

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