You have recovered a number of pottery shards and other relics from the jetsam that washes up on the shores of Lake Nenuial, and now Ranger Astiul wants you to sort the valuable pieces from the rest.
Starts at: Astiul (NPC)
Objective 1.
Different-sized relics and bits of pottery ar
e lying on the mats by Astiul at Tinnudir, on Parth Aduial in Evendim.Astiul has asked you to sort the pottery fragments and relics you collected from the shores of Lake Neniul by size on the mats he uses for that purpose. (read less)
Step 1.
Use Small Salvaged Pieces
Step 2.
Use Medium Salvaged Pieces
Step 3.
Use Large Salvaged Pieces
Objective 2.
Astiul is at Tinnudir, on Parth Aduial in Eve