Corunir reacted strangely to the presence and touch of the stone-heart, recoiling from it in terror. He told you that the heart had been prepared to receive a fell spirit from an elder Age, similar to those that inhabit the wights which serve Angmar.
Starts at: Corunir (NPC)
Objective 1.
The ancient watching-stone is near the easter
n pass of Ram Dúath, near Bail Róva, east of Aughaire.Corunir believes that the stone-heart may be able to draw forth the fell spirit from another watching-stone and has asked you to test his theory upon an ancient watching-stone which guards the passes of Ram Dúath. (read less)
Step 1.
Kill 1 Enraged Fell-spirit
Step 2.
Present Heart-stone to Ancient Watching-stone
Objective 2.
Corunir is at the Hillman-village of Aughaire