Súrsa.Gwathryn has instructed you to thin the Tarkrîp horde and collect the key of Sammath Baul from Lozudurkh.Using the Elf-stone allows you to access the inspiration buff while solo or in a smaller fellowship. (read less)
Step 1.
Defeat Tarkrîp Poisoners
Step 2.
Defeat Tarkrîp Jailors
Objective 2.
Lozudurkh resides in the Sammath Baul Gatehou
se. The Gatehouse is left of the Sammath Baul gate and has two torches in front of it.You have yet to defeat Lozudurkh and obtain the key to Sammath Baul.Using the Elf-stone allows you to access the inpiration buff while solo or in a smaller fellowship. (read less)
Step 1.
Turn in Sammath Baul Gate-key
Step 2.
Use Gatehouse Door
Step 3.
Use Shimmering Elf-stone
Objective 3.
Gwathryn is at Tármunn Súrsa, east of Sammath