Thrasi, a dwarf hunter, rescued a mother lynx while out hunting bears. He was attacked by a flock of hendrevail and had to leave the mother’s cubs behind.
Starts at: Thrasi (NPC)
Objective 1.
The abandoned den should be north of the hunt
er’s lodge near the standing stones.Thrasi hurt his leg while rescuing an injured lynx from hendrevail and asked you to retrieve the surviving cubs. (read less)
Step 1.
Search the abandoned bear den
Objective 2.
There are hendrevail throughout the woods.A f
rightened lynx-cub cowers in an old den, too scared to venture out into the light. You must defeat the hendrevail lurking nearby to prove that you mean it no harm. (read less)
Step 1.
Defeat hendrevail
Objective 3.
Coax the lynx-cub from its den.With the hendr