Tag Archives: Länsi-mâ

Keeping the Norsu Pure

Mika recognizes the markings on the tusk as Angmarim sorcery in a Gauradan hand. He wishes you to find and defeat the Gauradan Seer who dares try and twist one of the Lossoth’s mammoths. Continue reading

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Who Burgles the Burglar?

Warstang, the Eglan-burglar staying with the dwarves at Zigilgund, has had his belt-pouch burgled from him. Continue reading

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Where Norsu Die

Sigrík lost his spear while hunting mammoths. Continue reading

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Wayward Hunter

Tero is worried; his colleague and friend Juhani has gone missing. Continue reading

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Undisturbed Rest

The great white bears of Länsi-mâ often scavenge among the remains of mammoths, which can drive the herds away. Continue reading

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The Root of the Problem

The root of the problem with the great winter-worms which have been attacking the dwarf-canals seems to lie with a particularly vicious worm dubbed Ringdagnir. Continue reading

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The Key to their Greed

Thórth suspects that whoever is leading the Dourhands at the Icereave Mines is hiding in a locked area within the mines. Continue reading

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The City in the Ice

Fotri has agreed to give you directions to the famed Lossoth capital, Sûri-kylä. Continue reading

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Scattered in the Graveyard

On its way to the dwarven outpost of Zigilgund, a convoy bearing vital supplies, especially mining picks, was attacked, and its contents scattered. Continue reading

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Hero of the Lost

You helped all the members of the Lost Fellowship in all of their various needs. Continue reading

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