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Tag Archives: Ered Luin
A Deadly Bloom
A poisonous plant called qSkorgrím’s Bloom.q threatens the wildlife of Ered Luin. Without someone to halt the spread, the lives of many creatures may be at risk. Continue reading
A Deathly Task
Eastern Haudh Lin suffers from a terrible threat; dread wights stalk the ancient mounds of the Edain, animated by evil fell spirits. Continue reading
A Disturbing Affair
The merchant Nithi is disturbed by the skull you brought back from the mounds. He thinks this dark affair needs to be investigated, but not by him. Continue reading
On to Gondamon
With the thickets removed from the canal, the waterflow has been restored to Noglond in the Vale of Thráin. Continue reading
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Tagged Ered Luin, The Dwarf-canal, Vale of Thrain
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Old Bones
The dwarf-merchant Nithi claims he saw a barrow-wight amid the mounds to the north-east of Gondamon, but his friend Galti does not believe him. Continue reading
On the Mend
Thrasi has given you some thistle-mead to feed to the mother lynx, hopefully to help heal her injuries. Continue reading
Now is Found
Toronn desires to leave Middle-earth, while Bregar, his brother, believes they should remain. Continue reading
Need of a Cask
Bregedúr, at the Craftsman’s Plaza in Celondim, asked that you deliver a cask meant for storing wine to his friend Brethilwen at Limael’s Vinyard. Continue reading
Leaving Middle-earth
Toronn wants to leave Middle-earth and journey into the West to the Undying Lands, but will not leave as long as his brother, Bregar, refuses to leave. Continue reading
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Tagged Brotherly Bond, Celondim, Ered Luin
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Intro: The Thrill of the Fight
Your trainer wants you to use your new skills to prove that you are ready to face the many dangers that exist in the world. Continue reading
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Tagged Ered Luin, Introduction, Refuge of Edhelion
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