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Tag Archives: Book VI: Fires in the North
Vol. I, Book 6, Chapter 7: Beyond Rammas Deluon
Your defeat of the ancient watching-stone of Ram Dúath has proven that the stones can be defied. Continue reading
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Tagged Angmar, Aughaire, Book 6: Fires in the North, Book VI: Fires in the North, Epic - Vol. I
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Vol. I, Book 6, Chapter 5: The Sorcerer’s Doom
While the stone-heart you found was cracked and useless, another path still remains open. Corunir has learned of a ritual taking place at the fortress of Tór Gailvin, which may yield a whole heart if interrupted. Continue reading
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Tagged Angmar, Aughaire, Book 6: Fires in the North, Book VI: Fires in the North, Epic - Vol. I
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Vol. I, Book 6, Chapter 6: Challenging the Stone
Corunir reacted strangely to the presence and touch of the stone-heart, recoiling from it in terror. He told you that the heart had been prepared to receive a fell spirit from an elder Age, similar to those that inhabit the wights which serve Angmar. Continue reading
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Tagged Angmar, Aughaire, Book 6: Fires in the North, Book VI: Fires in the North, Epic - Vol. I
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Vol. I, Book 6, Chapter 1: Of Golodir and Angmar
A trained falcon arrived at Rivendell, bearing a troubling message from the hidden Ranger-camp at Esteldín for Aragorn, Chieftain of the Rangers. Continue reading
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Tagged Book 6: Fires in the North, Book VI: Fires in the North, Epic - Vol. I, Rivendell Valley, The Trollshaws
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Vol. I, Book 6, Chapter 2: Against His Lord
Daervunn told you of how a wounded falcon arrived, bearing a message from Corunir, a Ranger from the company of Golodir, who defied Aragorn’s commands and passed into Angmar, believing that a shadow had come again unto Carn Dûm. Continue reading
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Tagged Book 6: Fires in the North, Book VI: Fires in the North, Epic - Vol. I, Esteldín, The North Downs
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Vol. I, Book 6, Chapter 3: Secrets of the Stones
Corunir told you of how Golodir raised up an army from among the Hillmen to assail Carn Dûm. The expedition failed, and Corunir was left alone, unable to pass Rammas Deluon — now possessed of a terrible power — to learn the fate of his captain and companions. Continue reading
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Tagged Angmar, Aughaire, Book 6: Fires in the North, Book VI: Fires in the North, Epic - Vol. I
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Vol. I, Book 6, Chapter 4: Heart of Stone
The rubbing you made showed runes of a foul nature, written in the Black Speech, which Corunir is not well-versed in; however, he was able to make out something about the qheartq of the stone. Continue reading
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Tagged Angmar, Aughaire, Book 6: Fires in the North, Book VI: Fires in the North, Epic - Vol. I
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Vol. I, Book 6, Foreword: Turning to the North
The shadow of Angmar — Sauron’s hand in the North — grows steadily, threatening the peace and security of Eriador. Continue reading
Posted in Lotro Quests
Tagged Book 6: Fires in the North, Book VI: Fires in the North, Epic - Vol. I, Rivendell Valley, The Trollshaws
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