island of Tinnudir, north-west of the Barandalf and west of Parth Aduial.You have gathered several relics from the ruins of Barad Tharsír and should return to Harmony Grayson. (read less)
Step 1.
Talk to Harmony Grayson
Objective 3.
Ranger Astiul is at the Ranger-camp on the is
land of Tinnudir, north-west of the Barandalf and west of Parth Aduial.Harmony Grayson has asked you to bring the relics you collected to Astiul, as he will appreciate their significance. (read less)
Step 1.
Talk to Astiul
Objective 4.
Harmony Grayson is in the Ranger-camp on the
island of Tinnudir, north-west of Barandalf and west of Parth Aduial.Astiul has expressed his gratitude for your efforts and wants you to thank Harmony for him. (read less)