Search Results for: "Gift Mathom"

Vol. I, Prologue, Make Yourself Useful

Lobelia Sackville-Baggins has heard that there are goblins on the edges of the Shire and has demanded that you do something about them. Continue reading

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Long Live the Queen

Polo Proudfoot needs new queens for his hives to replace the ones killed by the honey-bears. Continue reading

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Many Happy Returns

Milo Hornblower, irate at Lobelia’s notion of receiving birthday presents instead of giving them out, has been raising a particularly vile, fat toad to bring her as a present. Continue reading

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Old Odo’s Leaf-Farm

Rollo Boffin told you of Odo Burrow, Longo’s father. He had a farmstead in the south, but Longo abandoned it when his father died. Rollo is curious if Longo is using it again for some other purpose. Continue reading

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The Floating Log

Ponto Hopsbloom, innkeeper of The Floating Log in Frogmorton, is entering the Four Farthings Brewing-moot. Continue reading

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The Green Dragon

Gerd Whitfoot, innkeeper of The Green Dragon in Bywater, is entering the Four Farthings Brewing-moot. Continue reading

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Belco’s Writ

After helping him out around the farm, Belco Brockhouse has finally given you the copy of the Founding Writ of the Shire he found among his mother’s things. Continue reading

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Lucky Sling-stone

Everard Holebourne lost his venison and his favourite sling-stone to a marauding bear. Continue reading

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Confront the Old Took

Nothing you have done for Adelard Took has appeared to have any effect whatsoever on the qghostq in Adelard’s library. Continue reading

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Farmer Polo Proudfoot has had trouble with bears raiding his beehives and killing his bees. Continue reading

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