While travelling through the Chetwood, you were waylaid by brigands and taken captive. You now find yourself in a cell, searching for a means of escape.
Objective 1.
Celandine waits near the main gate.Amdir is d
ts just outside the gate of the enclosure.Amdir told you to gather weapons from among the brigands’ gear, then speak with him again when you are armed. (read less)
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Step 1.
After arming yourself, speak to Amdir
Beleglin comments: Inside the crate you will find better weapons than the ones you have equipped. Make sure you open your inventory and equip the new stuff.
in the brigand camp.After you armed yourself, Amdir told you to rescue the hobbits, starting with Celandine, while he followed Éogan. You will need to dispatch any brigands you come upon while searching for the hobbits. (read less)
Step 1.
Defeat Celandine’s captors
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Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.
Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.
Objective 4.
Celandine is being held in a cage against the
wall of the enclosure.You have defeated Celandine’s captors, but your task is not yet fulfilled. Celandine may be able to tell you where Mundo is being held. (read less)
Step 1.
Talk to Celandine Brandybuck
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Objective 5.
Mundo Sackville-Baggins is being held in the
courtyard beyond the gate of Celandine’s holding pen.Celandine’s distraction was a success. Only one brigand remains behind to guard Mundo. You should dispatch him quickly. (read less)
Step 1.
Defeat Mundo’s captor
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Objective 6.
Mundo is tied to a post in the courtyard.Desp