ll, south of Glóin’s camp.Glóin realized that another set of orders written in the Black Speech would take too long to translate and sent you to Rivendell in order to speak with Elrond directly. (read less)
Step 1.
Talk to Elrond
Step 2.
Turn in Uruk Orders
Objective 2.
Glóin is at his camp in the Misty Mountains,
north of Rivendell.Elrond Halfelven made marks upon the orders and warned you that the goblins had a new leader, a Great Goblin who was defiant of the Uruks’ intrusion in Goblin-town. He sent you back to Glóin with the translated orders. (read less)
Step 1.
Talk to Glóin
Step 2.
Turn in Uruk Orders
Category Misty Mountains
Given by Glóin (NPC)
24.88S, 4.12W The Misty Mountains >> Bruinen Source West