ewhere within the city of Dûn Covád, far to the north of Aughaire, in the western hills of Fasach-falroid.Sorkha wants you to find the locations of three lesser watching-stones within Dûn Covád. (read less)
Objective 2.
Sorkha is in the Búth Luikh in Aughaire.You h
ave located three lesser watching-stones within the city of Dûn Covád and should return now to Sorkha with the knowledge of their locations. (read less)
Step 1.
Talk to Sorkha
Category Angmar
Given by Sorkha (NPC)
0.22S, 39.76W Angmar >> Aughaire
Level 44
Min Level 39
Repeatable No
Faction FrP
Instanced No
Money: 22 75
Receive: Refined Athelas Extract (x3) Small Blade of Búth Luikh