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Quest name:

A Matter of Warmth

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Roger Hawkling (NPC)

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Quest Description:

Roger Hawkling agreed to assist Adso Haybank by offering his expertise on hunting bears throughout Bree-land. Since his arrival, Hawkling has seen an increased need for hunting, skinning, and curing bear-hides for blankets -- a commodity often stolen by the brigands.

Objective 1
Bears can be found throughout the southern Bree-fields, but a sizable sloth of bears can be found north of Outlaw's Haven found west and north of Adso's Camp.

Roger Hawkling has asked you to hunt some bears and bring him their pelts.
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Quest: A Matter of Warmth, objective 1 image 1233 thumbnail 
thanks to: Silriel
Quest: A Matter of Warmth, objective 1 image 1234 thumbnail 
thanks to: Silriel
Quest: A Matter of Warmth, objective 1 image 1235 thumbnail 
thanks to: Silriel

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