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Quest name:

Halls of Crafting: Banishing War

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Haldir (NPC), Haldir (NPC)

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Quest Description:

Baranglim of Lórien, a perceptive scout, has theories about the movements and activities of the Orcs in the Halls of Crafting. He believes that war is brewing and that the Orcs are producing a great store of armour, weapons, and vile draughts within Moria.

Objective 1
Baranglim can be found in the Flaming Deeps of Moria, near the Halls of Crafting.

You should go to Baranglim and speak with him about what must be done to weaken the Orc-forces rallying to assault Lothlórien.
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Objective 2
The Hall of Crafting is in the southern reaches of the Flaming Deeps of Moria, near Fil Gashan.

Baranglim has given you an Elf-stone to place in the Hall of Crafting. If you drive out the enemies and place the stone there, the Orcs will fear to return again.
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Objective 3
Haldir is upon his talan on the banks of the Nimrodel, in Lothlórien.

You should speak with Haldir and tell him all that you saw and achieved in the Halls of Crafting.
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