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Quest name:

Grinding Bones in the Grimwood

Starting at:

Chieftain Torbok (Uruk)

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Quest Description:

Chieftain Torbok prepares the defence of the Grimwood Lumber-yard against the Free Peoples.

Objective 1
Fight Angmar's foes within the bounds of the Grimwood Lumber-camp.

You were instructed to stand this ground and fight for the glory of Angmar in defence of the Grimwood Lumber-camp.
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Objective 2
If Torbok is defeated or the lumber camp has fallen to the Free Peoples, return to Gramsfoot and face the wrath of War-tyrant Akúlhun.

You should return to Chieftain Torbok at the Grimwood Lumber Camp to gloat of your victories against the Free Peoples.
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