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Vol. II, Book 2, Foreword -- Book 2: Echoes in the Dark

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Tulk (NPC)

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Quest Description:

You have entered Khazad-dûm at last, and the dwarves have begun to establish their camps within its dark passages.

Objective 1
Bennt Sharp-eye is in the Dolven-view, far to the east of Durin's Threshold, in the Great Delving. Stíling is in the Deep Descent, among the Silvertine Lodes, south of the Dolven-view.

Tulk has asked you to provide assistance to the dwarves at Durin's Threshold, the Dolven-view, and the Deep Descent.
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Objective 2
Bósi has established a command centre somewhere within Moria and is waiting to speak with you there.

The dwarves of Moria will be able to guide you to Bósi's new command centre, a guard room with a strategic location somewhere within the mines.
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  • Step no.1
    Talk to Bósi in the Chamber of the Crossroads, on Durin's Way Click here to insert images
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