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Quest name:

Family Heirloom

Starting at:

William Peake (NPC)

NPC: William Peake (NPC) image 1 thumbnail 
thanks to: Silriel
NPC: William Peake (NPC) image 2 thumbnail 
thanks to: Silriel
NPC: William Peake (NPC) image 3 thumbnail 
thanks to: Silriel
Quest Description:

William Peake lost a chest containing an heirloom of his family when he and his wife fled from the Wargs invading Annúndir.

Objective 1
William Peake's chest was stolen by a farmhand who fled north towards the ruins upon Amon Amrûn.

William Peake has asked you to find his heirloom chest and the farmhand who stole it.
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Objective 2
William Peake awaits the return of the heirloom chest at Amon Raith, south of Amon Amrûn.

In the middle of the ruin of Amon Amrûn, you discovered the grisly scene of the farmhand dead near William Peake's chest. You should return at once to Amon Raith with the chest.
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