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Quest name:

Fall of the Earth-kin

Starting at:

Daervunn (NPC)

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Quest Description:

For many ages, the Earth-kin protected the pass through Ram Dúath from Angmar, but since the betrayal of the Suuri-lehmä tribe by First Hunter Jarkko and his followers, the Earth-kin have themselves become trapped in the North Downs.

Objective 1
The Earth-kin of the Rauta-lehmä faction are encamped east of Esteldín in Nan Amlug.

Daervunn, Ranger of Esteldín, has charged you with showing the traitorous Rauta-lehmä that they have chosen the wrong side in the coming war by raiding their encampment.
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Objective 2
Daervunn awaits your return at Esteldín.

You defeated the Earth-kin of the Rauta-lehmä at their camp in the eastern section of Nan Amlug. Daervunn will want news of your victory.
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