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Quest name:

Eaters of the Dead

Starting at:

Throstur (NPC)

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Quest Description:

Skûmfil is nothing more than a dumping ground, a place where the fallen Orcs of Moria are discarded when they begin to reek. It is here that two foes have gathered, each intent on using the corpses found therein for their own purposes. The kergrim and other scavengers as a source of food, and the insects as a place to lay their eggs to spawn future generations.

Objective 1
Ymar, Odmar, and Glorelloth are at the Shadowed Refuge.

Throstur informed you that the kergrim within Skûmfil are eaters of the dead. As such, they are also rife with disease and filth, and he has set his agents to the task of deciphering what ills the kergrim carry through Skûmfil.
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  • Step no.1
    Help Ymar to control disease in Skûmfil Click here to insert images
  • Step no.2
    Help Odmar defeat the kergrim-leaders of Skûmfil Click here to insert images
  • Step no.3
    Help Glorelloth collect samples in Skûmfil Click here to insert images

Objective 2
Throstur is at the Shadowed Refuge.

You completed each task assigned by Ymar, Odmar and Glorelloth within Skûmfil and should now return to Throstur.
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