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Quest name:

Disease Among the Boars

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Constable Thistlewool (NPC)

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Quest Description:

Constable Thistlewool is troubled by the disease spreading through the boars in the wake of the destruction wrought on Archet. The boars must be destroyed before they infect the other wildlife and eradicate the diminished food supply in Archet.

Objective 1
Diseased boars roam the lands to the south and east of Archet's gate.

Constable Thistlewool thinks that the best way to end the disease afflicting the local boars is to slay those already infected.
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Objective 2
Constable Thistlewool can be found near the ruins of The Mad Badger Inn in Archet.

Constable Thistlewool will wish to hear of your success.
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