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Quest name:

Defence of the Isendeep

Starting at:

Lieutenant Osur (Dwarf)

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Quest Description:

Mines provide the ore that is needed to build weapons and armour for the war. The Isendeep long ago stopped being a mine capable of great production, but there are still veins of ore within the stone there and this makes the location desirable to both the forces of Angmar and the Free Peoples.

Objective 1
Lieutenant Otur is within the Isendeep Mine.

Lieutenant Otur asked for your assistance to help defend the Isendeep Mine against the forces of Angmar. If you succeed, speak with Otur or if he or the Isendeep falls into enemy hands, report to Captain-General Tordúr at Glân Vraig.
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Objective 2
Lieutenant Otur is within the Isendeep Mine. If Otur has fallen or the Isendeep Mine is in the hands of the enemy, you can speak with Captain-General Tordúr at Glân Vraig in his stead.

Through a hard fought battle, you defeated great number of the enemy within the Isendeep mine.
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