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Quest name:

Crannog's Challenge

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Crannog (NPC)

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Quest Description:

You were sent to Crannog, the chieftain of Aughaire, to pursue a Fém for the Trév Gállorg.

Objective 1
Torquil, Raith, and Osbail are near the ruling seat of Crannog, the chieftain of Aughaire.

Crannog has tasked you with facing the dangers of which Torquil, Raith, and Osbail will speak. Once you have done so, he expects you to return to him.
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Objective 2
Crannog is at his ruling seat in Aughaire, west of the centre island.

You have aided some of the Trév Gállorg with the dangers faced by the settlement and should now tell Crannog of your successes.
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