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Consignment: Hard Wood

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Work Order: Hard Wood (Item)

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Quest Description:

You conscripted the Combe Lumber-yard to gather hard wood from the surrounding forests.

Objective 1
Foreman Elmwood is at the Combe Lumber-yard east and north of Combe in Bree-land.

You completed the work order for the Combe Lumber-yard and should return it to Foreman Elwood at once.
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Objective 2
Woodcutter Hornbeam is at the Combe Lumber-yard in Combe in Bree-land.

Foreman Elmwood told you to return in forty hours to speak with Woodcutter Hornbeam.
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  • Step no.1
    Your delivery will take forty hours to complete Click here to insert images

Objective 3
Woodcutter Hornbeam is at the Combe Lumber-yard east and north of Combe in Bree-land.

Forty hours have passed, and the Combe Lumber Yard promised that your order would be filled. You should speak with Woodcutter Hornbeam.
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