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Quest name:

A Dwarf-made Blade

Starting at:

Lofar Ironband (NPC)

NPC: Lofar Ironband (NPC) image 1 thumbnail 
thanks to: Silriel
NPC: Lofar Ironband (NPC) image 2 thumbnail 
thanks to: Silriel
NPC: Lofar Ironband (NPC) image 3 thumbnail 
thanks to: Silriel
Quest Description:

Lofar Ironband has told you that someone has stolen his newest blade. He has asked you to find out who stole it and return it to him as quickly as possible!

Objective 1
Most of the smiths of Bree dwell near the West-gate or are working at Thornley's farm along the Greenway.

Lofar has told you that he thinks his latest blade was stolen by one of the Man-smiths. He thinks that a warrior, such as yourself, might intimidate the thief into confessing and returning the stolen blade.
Insert general images for the objective:
Quest: A Dwarf-made Blade, objective 1 image 1346 thumbnail 
thanks to: Silriel
Quest: A Dwarf-made Blade, objective 1 image 1347 thumbnail 
thanks to: Silriel

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