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Quest name:

Black Venom I

Starting at:

Miluimil (NPC), Miluimil (NPC)

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Quest Description:

Miluimil's scouts have reported on the existence of a deadly spider-queen named Delúris that lurks in the northern depths of the Scuttledells. Her poison is so deadly that none who have dared face her have survived.

Objective 1
Blackvenom Spiders can be found in the caves at the northern end of the Scuttledells.

Miluimil has asked you to gather venom glands from the Blackvenom brood of the Scuttledells, so that he can make an antidote to Delúris' poison.
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Objective 2
Miluimil is at Ivorel's camp in the Scuttledells.

You should return to Miluimil with the poison-glands you have collected.
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