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Quest name:

Birds of a Feather

Starting at:

Hannar (NPC)

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Quest Description:

Orthonn, the Ranger that Hannar sent you to speak with concerning the threat of the hendrevail, suggested that you should seek the hendroval roosting grounds.

Objective 1
Falconer Brúni and his apprentices may be found at the hendroval roosting grounds somewhere to the north-east of Othrikar.

At the recommendation of the Ranger Orthonn, Hannar has asked you to seek out the hendroval roosting grounds and defeat the Dourhand falconer, Brúni, and his apprentices. He suggested you take allies with you.
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Objective 2
Hannar is at Othrikar.

Hannar sent you to raid the hendroval roosting grounds and defeat Brúni, a Dourhand falconer, and his apprentices. He will be pleased to hear of your success.
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