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Quest name:

Voracious Fluttering

Starting at:

Mírdirniel (NPC)

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Quest Description:

Mírdiniel, unconvinced by the absence of Elf-relics among the refuse in Dannenglor, desires to wrest the stolen plunder from the vile grasp of the merrevail.

Objective 1
Merrevail can be found in large numbers at Dannenglor, the ruins north of the Haunted Inn in the Dourstocks.

You should collect treasure from the greedy morroval beasts that hoard it.
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Objective 2
Mírdiniel waits in the Haunted Inn, in the Dourstocks of Mirkwood, south of Dannenglor.

You should bring Mírdiniel the plunder you wrested from the merrevail of Dannenglor so that she can examine it.
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