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Quest name:

The Call of Our Fathers

Starting at:

Frithgeir (NPC)

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Quest Description:

Among the ruins in the southern reaches of Thrór's Coomb, several pillars with rune-carvings still stand. The messages on the pillars may speak of lost knowledge and should be recovered.

Objective 1
The ruins on the southern hills lie to the south of Nár's Peak, through the mountain pass.

Frithgeir has asked you to seek out the ruined pillars among the ancient dwarf-ruins and take rubbings of the runes found upon them.
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Objective 2
Frithgeir is at Zudrugund within Nár's Peak, north of the ruins, through the mountain pass.

You should return to Frithgeir and present him with the rubbings of these pillars.
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